Model description
Our mold designs have evolved from years of experience, incorporating features to enhance flexibility and ease of use. These modular designs can create a family of container sizes simply by changing mold inserts. Custom engraving and coding pins provide specific product information such as lot number and expiration date.
Each ASEP-TECH Blow/Fill/Seal machine is custom designed to accept molds for a variety of product applications, based on your specific requirements. Weiler’s capabilities also include integration of product finishing lines to meet your final inspection and packaging needs. We have designed and built systems that incorporate deflashing, leak detection, labeling or printing and final packing. In addition, automated machine vision systems can be provided to support enhanced quality measurement and electronic documentation needs.
Our integrated machine control package is supplied with a human/machine interface that is compatible with a variety of computer aided network systems. A stand-alone data acquisition package is available with Wonderware®, Intellution® or similar software to help meet your data management and reporting requirements.