Pharma Equipment Catalogue



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Home - Brands - Liquid Dosage Forms - Secondary packaging - Carton packaging - Cartoning machines - UET


UET was founded in 1985 by Mr. Bernd Siebler, who recognized the gap in the market for small, easy and flexible Compact Cartoning Machines.

UET has been managed by Mr. Gianfranco Gualtieri since 1994. With more than 25 years of experience with conventional cartoning equipment and his international connections, he has a profound understanding of "special features".

UET has become synonymous for "Compact Cartoning". There are more than 500 machines installed worldwide at leading manufacturers supported by local agents. Our Customers and the Cartoning Machine type COMPACT are jointly contributing to the market success of UET.

The headquarters of UET are situated in the south of Germany near the French border and not far from Switzerland, between Stuttgart and Frankfurt, so at the heart of Germany's Packaging industry.



    For lab
    For Pilot Plant
    For Industrial Scale

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