Pharma Equipment Catalogue



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Home - Brands - Semisolid Dosage Forms - Preparation of intermediate product - Suppository manufacturing - Suppository machines - Farmo Res

Farmo Res

FARMO RES on representative site

With over 50 years of experience on the world market in automatic thermoforming machinery, FARMO RES manufactures automatic user friendly machines for packing pharmaceutical products such as, vials, ampoules, syringes and  other various small products, all conform to worldwide regulations of the highest quality and standards. FARMO RES vertical forming machines for suppositories, ovules and unit doses complete the range of machines for the pharmaceutical market.

  • Thermoforming machines for vials, ampoules and syringes
  • Unit-dosage machines
  • Blister sealers for contact lenses
  • Customshaped blisterpacks for various products

ECI Packaging Limited - representative of Farmo Res

Yauza Tower
Radio str. 24, office 18
Moscow, 105005, Russia
Tel: +7-499-648-3180

Shota Rustaveli Str.4, office 6
Kiev, 01001 Ukraine
Tel./Fax: +38-044-490-58-03




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