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Home - Brands - Getinge


The Getinge Group is organized into three business areas: Extended Care, Infection Control and Medical Systems, and operates under the ArjoHuntleigh, Getinge and Maquet brands. The Group operates in the areas of surgery, intensive care, infection control, care ergonomics and wound care. Currently, the Group generates sales of almost SEK 27 billion and conducts sales through proprietary companies throughout the world. Production is conducted at facilities in Brazil, Denmark, France, Canada, China, Poland, the UK, Sweden, Turkey, Germany and the US. The Group has a total of nearly 16,000 employees in over 40 countries. Western Europe is the largest region with 37% of sales, closely followed by the US and Canada with 34% and the Rest of the world with 29%. 84% of sales are to the healthcare industry, while the elderly care sector accounts for 8% and the life science industry for 8%. Getinge has posted excellent growth since its listing and aims to continue growing to sales of SEK 50 billion in the next few years. 




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