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Home - Liquid Dosage Forms - Primary packaging - Drug Delivery Systems for Liquid Dosage Forms - BD Medical - UltraSafe PLUS™ Passive Needle Guard
UltraSafe PLUS™ Passive Needle Guard
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UltraSafe PLUS™ Passive Needle Guard

The BD UltraSafe PLUS™ Passive Needle Guard provides many advanced features including a robust plunger rod to help support injection of viscous drugs, a larger drug inspection window to improve drug visibility, extended built-in finger flanges and an enhanced plunger head for improved injection support and stability. These ergonomic improvements provide support for all users, including patients with diminished manual dexterity. BD recently conducted a clinical focus group with patients who had reduced dexterity and also suffered from rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. Subjects reported that the BD UltraSafe PLUS™ Passive Needle Guard provided ease of use with 100% of injections executed successfully.

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