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Home - Solid Dosage Forms - Quality Testing for solid dosage forms - Charles Ischi AG - Manual Testing Devices series Н
Manual Testing Devices series Н, Charles Ischi
  • Manual Testing Devices series Н, Charles Ischi 1
  • Manual Testing Devices series Н, Charles Ischi 2
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Manual Testing Devices series Н

The H-Series manual laboratory testing devices in the new LAB.line design combine the latest technology and usability. Rounded shapes, generous radii and smooth surfaces make them very easy to clean.

The integrated touchscreen is easy and intuitive to use: you can change a product or obtain conclusive test results in just a few clicks.

There is the option to extend the measuring range to 1600N and to test and analyse even harder tablets and other press products. A thickness measurement station is integrated into the H4 version. Connect an external scale to the H5version and test all five parameters.


  • Clean design
  • Intuitive touch screen operation 
  • Measuring range (length) up to 60mm     
  • Measuring range (hardness) up to 1600N as option

Manual Testing Devices series Н on manufacturer site

Kraemer & Ischi - Quality tablet and capsule testers made in Germany and Switzerland.

Head office:
Charles Ischi AG
Langfeldstrasse 26, 4528 Zuchwil, Switzerland
Representative company in Russia:
«Donau Lab. Moscow»
Moscow, 26 Leninskaya Sloboda str., building 5,
Business center Simonov Plaza, off. 5702
Tel: +41 32 621 49 23 Tel: +7 (495) 255-33-89
Fax: +41 32 621 49 26 Sales department:
Service department:

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