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Home - HOSOKAWA MICRON Group - Isolators / containment HOSOKAWA MICRON
Isolators / containment HOSOKAWA MICRON
  • Isolators / containment HOSOKAWA MICRON
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Isolators / containment HOSOKAWA MICRON

HOSOKAWA MICRON Group offer a wide range of off the shelf and bespoke containment systems including shielded and non-shielded gloveboxes, fume cupboards, downflow booths and laminar flow booths, Class I gloveboxes, safe change, integrated processing and handling systems.

We are talking here about so-called isolators, which constitute an enclosed housing around the process units where a dust exposure is considered likely. Processes realized with isolators include:

• Sampling
• Particle size analysis
• Filling
• Metering
• Grinding / micronisation
• System component cleaning

The integration of processing systems into isolators poses high engineering demands. When customizing an isolator, the following points must be paid particular attention to:

• Transfer port system concept
• Operator-friendliness (ergonomics)
• Product yield
• Cleanability

Isolators / containment HOSOKAWA MICRON on manufacturer site

Hosokawa Micron B.V.

Gildenstraat 26, 7005 BL
Doetinchem, the Netherlands
Tel. +31 314 373 333

Model description

  • Designs and Executions:

    • High-end isolator: made of stainless steel with windows of safety glass, with safe-change filters in push-push design, with alpha/beta transfer systems, designed for WIP/CIP.

    • Glovebox: glovebox(es) made of, for example, acrylic glass with simple filter and transfer systems.

    • Flexible isolator: the isolator with flexible polymer skin and continuous tube transfer system. Developed in response to the demands for an inexpensive, flexible encapsulation of systems used for handling active materials in the laboratories of scientific research institutes or biotechnology and pharma companies, a flexible isolator offers excellent operator and product safety.


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