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Luperini blender I-Tumbler
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Luperini blender I-Tumbler

Mixing with IBC is the most efficient way to mix powders and granules in the pharmaceutical industry.

The I-tumbler is a blender of the IBC designed to mix and homogenize powders and granules. The particular positioning of the cage, according to a combined inclinations system creates an asymmetric movement of the product in the IBC allowing a high mixing efficiency even in the case of "difficult" products.
Possible options:
- The MS version (Multi-size), suitable to accommodate all IBC sizes .
- NIR probe for monitoring the mixing process.
The base and the cage are made of AISI 304 stainless steel with satin finish and welds removed.
The I-Tumbler can be installed "through-wall" to save space in the process area.

The IBC is placed on the I-Tumbler easily by hand pallet or fork lift.

Luperini blender I-Tumbler on manufacturer's site

Model description

  • I-Tumbler 900 I-Tumbler S I-Tumbler L I-Tumbler MS
    Maximum working capacity (Lt) 600 600-1500 1200-2200 600-2200
    Mixing Speed (RPM)      4-20 giri/min  
    Recommended Bin filling     30-75%
    Electric Supply    400 V / 50 Hz   
    Electric Supply Installed (kW) 9 15 22 22
    A (mm) 2950 3700 3900 3700
    B (mm) 2500 2615 3055 3340
    C (mm) 2900 3660 3860 3660
     D (mm) 2800 3840 3840 3840

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