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Home - Liquid Dosage Forms - Filling - Sterilization of finished product and leak testing - Water sterilizers with leak testing - Fedegari - Washer-sterilizer Fedegari FOW, Fedegari
Washer-sterilizer Fedegari FOW
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Washer-sterilizer Fedegari FOW, Fedegari

An absolute unique and original solution, designed for improving and simplifying all cleaning requirements when the loads need to enter a controlled-contamination environment.

The FOWS series of washer-sterilizers is suitable for washing, decontaminating, sterilizing and drying various types of loads as no traditional machine can ever do.

These multipurpose machines, totally managed by Thema4 process controller, represent the most cost-effective solution both in terms of capital as well as operating costs while combining the high performance of  a steam sterilizer into a jet washer.

  • Process optimization: 4 processes in 1 machine. Optimization of material flows, by reducing cross-contamination risks. Simplification of procedures and process (it’s possible to develop and validate the entire process).
  • Cost-effectiveness: Reduction of installation, qualification, maintenance, revalidation and personnel training costs. Reduction of floorspace needed and total process time.
  • Flexibility: you can run the unit as a washer, as an autoclave or as a combined unit. The load will be washed, sterilized and dried at once in 110 minutes. The parts used in a clean room are processed and unloaded again in the same area. Dedicated washing racks allow to standardize each load thus simplifying validation.
  • Highly-efficient  & Eco-friendly: It uses steam for improving washing/degreasing performances and vacuum for drying thus being a more environmental friendly machine with lower energy consumption than any traditional alternative. Capability of removal of large masses of sticky ointments/creams.

Washer-sterilizer Fedegari FOW on manufacturer site


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