Kikusui High Containment Tablet Press AQUARIUS C
The AQUARIUS C is the world's first high containment tablet press that offers high vacuum tablet production, automatic washdown with WIP functions and vacuum drying for high efficiency production of potent compounds. This press also meets IP65 standards, which allow for external washdown. All in a very compact , rugged and fully self contained package.
AQUARIUS C provides full containment and operator protection by two functional levels, negative pressure (AQUC-Level II) or vacuum condition (AQUC-Level III) in all contaminated areas of the press during production. Internal access to the press is provided thru standard glove ports strategically located on all access doors.
Also it provides Turret Exchangeability, which is help to dramatically reduces product changeover time.
Kikusui High Containment Tablet Press AQUARIUS C on manufacturer site