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Mediseal: Winner of the Bayer Supplier Award

Mediseal has been awarded the Bayer Supplier Award (category innovation) for a new primary and secondary packaging concept developed in close cooperation with Bayer Pharma.

It was all about generating benefit for Bayer: flexibility, minimal set-up times, handling of small batches, less waste, higher OEE and one concept for all products. But instead of merely answering to the customer’s User Requirement Specification (URS), Mediseal decided together with Bayer for a joined innovation process.

Due to the high engagement of all participants and the possibility to develop the first ideas further by considering proven know how, the new concept was finalized within three months. The basic idea: to split the primary and secondary packaging process.

The technical feasibility of this new primary and secondary packaging concept was checked by a “proof of concept” study. Finally, the vision was confirmed as feasible and samples where packaged on a production machine. The definition of a commercial production platform has started.

The award ceremony took place in Düsseldorf on 2 February 2017. Stefan Kemner, Director Systems Integration at Mediseal and Stephan Plewa, Vice President Strategic Sales and Key Accounts at Körber Medipak Systems, were very glad to accept the price.

Based on materials of media-center Mediseal



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